Photographer and Model Stereotypes.  Which are you?

By Clinton Lofthouse

If you have worked in the industry for at least a couple of years you will have more than likely come across a whole plethora of interesting and curious characters whilst on shoots or at network events.

 Eventually, you will come across similar people in all sorts of different countries, and you will start to understand each personality type. Well, artist Pixelcrush has taken all these stereotypes and turned them into glorious works of art for us all to see. I asked Mike at Pixelcrush for some information on why he decided to create this series. Here was his reply.

 As a graphic artist/photographer with an off-beat sense of humor, I set out to illustrate the types of models I've seen so many times on photo shoots. The "characters" don’t represent any specific model I've met; each is more of an amalgamation of numerous models that I've worked with that seem to fit specific patterns. Of course, it goes without saying, that this is "not all models", nor is it supposed to be a negative jab at anyone. I just wanted to make a fun depiction of some common behaviors and model types I've seen over the last 10 years, shooting well over a hundred or so models. And, seeing that this series has been shared thousands of times over the last day or so, it seems many others in the industry share my observations as well.